Carbon Capture through Regenerative Farming

Wild bird plots

We are proud to be part of the Countryside stewardship scheme, and over the next few weeks we will be re-seeding our margins and field corners, to encourage more bird life to the area.

For well over a decade, we have been cultivating our margins to enhance the flora and fauna to help support the natural habitat.

They support wildlife by creating:

  • sources of nectar and pollen for insect pollinators
  • winter food for seed-eating birds
  • improved habitats, especially for farmland birds and pollinators


Over this time, we have seen many new species in and around the farm, this brings us as lovers of nature great joy.

Our Other Blogs

We are always keen too share what works well for us.
In our opinion the benefits of no-till farming are numerous and far outnumber those of tillage-based systems.
Cover crops make 100% sense to us, a field with something growing even weeds is enriching the soil and capturing carbon, a brown ploughed field is doing no good to anything.